
Report: Latam Countries Express Positive Opinion About the Metaverse

Report: Latam Countries Express Positive Opinion About the Metaverse

A new survey has found people’s opinion of a metaverse in emerging countries is significantly more positive than in developed nations. The study, carried out by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum (WEF), also shows that Latam countries are among the most enthusiastic about the future of the metaverse and its applications for different industries.

Metaverse survey on apps that could change lives of people revealed virtual learning (66%), entertainment in VR (64%), virtual work settings (62%) and virtual gaming (60%)

Latam Believes in the Metaverse

More and more companies are interested in the opinions of people in different parts of the world about the metaverse. A new survey conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum has found that, while half of the adults across the world have a positive opinion about the metaverse and how it might affect their lives, emerging countries have a more enthusiastic opinion on this issue.

The study surveyed groups of 1,000 and 500 adults in 29 different countries, considered representative of the actual populations of each country. The study reported that all of the countries in Latam surveyed, including Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru had a more positive opinion than the rest of the world about metaverse technologies. Peruvians had an exceptional opinion about the metaverse, with 74% of the adults surveyed being positive, surpassed by some countries in the APAC area.

More Insights

The survey also found that most people believe that certain applications of metaverse technology will be more successful than others. When asked about which kinds of metaverse apps would change people’s lives in the next 10 years, most of the surveyed believed that the impact of this technology would be more intense in activities such as virtual learning (66%), entertainment in VR (64%), virtual work settings (62%) and virtual gaming (60%). Trading of digital assets, something that is already being worked on in several isolated metaverse platforms, scored a 52%.

Regarding virtual tourism, people were not so enthusiastic, with only 48% of the surveyed being positive about its impact. The study further states that:

"Familiarity and favorability toward the new technologies are also significantly higher among younger adults, those with a higher level of education, and men than they are among older adults, those without a college-level education, and women."

However, even with all these differences, most people still believe that their lives will be impacted by metaverse technologies in the next decade.


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