


ENS Teams Up with Godaddy to Link Domains and Web3 Addresses

ENS Teams Up with Godaddy to Link Domains and Web3 Addresses

Ethereum Name Service (ENS), a Web3 service provider, and Godaddy, a domain and web hosting company, team up to link domains with Web3 addresses. The link between current internet domains and Ethereum-based domain services will allow users to leverage their current domain across Web3 applications, easing the entry of newcomers into the space.

The Ethereum 3D logo image with the computer keyboard and Web3 application

ENS and Godaddy to Ease Blockchain and Web3 Domain Integration

Ethereum Name Service (ENS), a blockchain-based domain name provider, and Godaddy, an internet domain service and web hosting company, have announced a partnership to provide an easy integration of their services. The partnership allows Godaddy users a conventional Domain Name Service (DNS) address for crypto-related transactions instead of a long standard Ethereum address, easing the onboarding of users into the Web3 ecosystem.

The addition of the new feature in Godaddy’s admin app, called crypto wallets, allows for free linking of an active domain name with an Ethereum cryptocurrency address.

The feature is not new, as ENS has always allowed the linking of conventional domain names. However, the partnership boosts a technical innovation called gasless DNSSEC, which allows linking without paying hefty Ethereum fees. 

ENS recognizes the integration of the company with the current infrastructure to succeed and hails the move as a milestone. Nick Johnson, founder and lead developer of ENS, stated:

"By pairing up ENS names and Godaddy domains, we will streamline the way users interact with web domains, blending the familiarity of the DNS with the potential of blockchain technology."

Fusion of Domain Names and Blockchain Technologies 

Paul Nicks, president of domains at Godaddy, also explained the benefits of the partnership for users. He stated that it brings a “unique opportunity to experience the fusion of domain names and blockchain technologies.”

ENS has had 2.1 million registered names since its launch, surpassing the 1 million registered in May 2022.

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