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A digital asset is anything that is stored digitally and is uniquely identifiable that organizations can use to realize value. Examples of digital assets include documents, audio, videos, logos, slide presentations, spreadsheets, and websites.

Digital assets images with the site logo

The original definition of Digital Assets was created to fulfill the only kinds of digital assets we had; images, videos, documents, and audio. However, with the introduction of blockchain technology, the idea of digital assets has evolved to more than just media content.

A digital asset is anything that exists in a digital format and comes with the right to use it. Data that does not possess that right is not considered an asset. A digital asset must be a digital file owned by an individual or a business that provides value to the individual or business.


A digital asset is any text or media that is formatted into a binary source and includes the right to use it; digital files that do not include this right are not considered digital assets. Digital assets are categorized into images and multimedia, called "media assets," and textual content.


The significance of digital era has witnessed unprecedented growth with the emergence of blockchain technology. Blockchain is a technology that lets you programmatically prove that a digital object (or asset) is in a certain place at a certain time. This includes ensuring no one can create fake versions of assets or lie about their ownership. It creates an environment where people can trade and interact without having to worry about trusting middlemen.




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