


About Us

About Us 

Digital Assets is one of the emerging sites for everything related to the world of digital currency or virtual currency. This includes updated news and views on digital assets, digital currency, cryptocurrency, crypto exchanges, crypto markets, crypto trading, crypto mining, crypto economy, crypto spaces, crypto wallets, blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the metaverse, tokens, and web 3.0.

Image of popular crypto tokens found in the market

The most growth opportunities are in markets like Russia, Ukraine, and India, and in Southeast Asian nations such as Vietnam and Malaysia. India is consistently among the top three markets by total trading volume, as well as by total active users. 

“India is also by far the fastest-growing crypto market today” according to Vincent Lau, managing director of International Operations at Huobi Global.


'Young working adults between 25 and 34, who are in Indian Tier II and III cities, are leading the charge in terms of crypto adoption.' Despite the volatile nature, cryptos have gained currency among traders and investors alike over the past few months. 

I was drawn to the niche primarily because of the interest shown by young working adults, and it is not the case in India but is largely a global phenomenon.  I thought of writing and sharing all the latest trends, and developments in the sector to educate young investors and traders. I started the site with four segments: 

# Trending

# Cryptocurrency

# Blockchain

#Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The metaverse segment was added to the site after two months, followed by Tokens. The last segment to join the list of labels was web3.

The archive section has a good collection of old posts. There is a search facility to help those who might be looking for older posts. More than 650 posts on the site, cover all the above-mentioned topics. Please use the comment section to post your feedback and suggestions on the posts.     


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