


Samsung Most Active Investor in Crypto and Blockchain Startups: Report

Samsung Most Active Investor in Crypto and Blockchain Startups: Report

Samsung has invested in 13 crypto and blockchain companies between September 2021 and mid-June 2022, making the South Korean corporation the most active among the top 40 corporations. Google’s parent firm, Alphabet, tops the list of companies that participated in the biggest funding rounds among the top corporations.

Samsung, the South Korean electronics corporation's corporate office exterior in daylight

40 Corporations Invest USD 6 Billion

In the research firm Blockdata’s analysis of investments in blockchain and crypto startups by top corporations between September 2021 and mid-June 2022, the South Korean electronics giant Samsung has emerged as the most active, having invested in 13 companies. United Overseas Bank, which invested in 7 companies, is the next most active and is closely followed by two American financial services giants, Citigroup (6) and Goldman Sachs (5).

The number of crypto and blockchain startups funded by Samsung, United Overseas Bank, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs in the period under review is nearly half (31) of the total number of startups (65), which raised capital from the top 40 corporations, as shown by the analysis.

While the data on the exact amount invested by each corporation is unavailable, Blockdata’s analysis still gives an estimate of the amount that was invested by all the corporations.

"The 40 companies invested approximately USD 6 billion into crypto and blockchain startups between September 2021 and June 2022. Because some rounds involve participation from multiple investors, it is unclear how much each company invested in a project," reveals Blockdata’s research report.

Of the corporations that were active in the biggest funding rounds, Alphabet, the parent company of Google, tops this category after it participated in rounds that raised under USD 1.51 billion. Blackrock is in second place, having participated in three funding rounds in which USD 1.17 billion was raised.

The American financial services giant Morgan Stanley occupies the third spot, having participated in two rounds of USD 1.1 billion, while Samsung is in fourth place with USD 979 million.

Corporations Invest in NFT Companies

Blockdata's report shows that 19 of the companies receiving funding were in "some form of non-fungible token (NFT) solutions and services." Twelve are marketplaces, while eleven are in the business of providing gaming services.

Explaining the different investment approaches of the top corporations, the research firm said:

"Samsung is placing bets across the blockchain ecosystem, investing in companies focused on 15 different use cases, such as blockchain services, development platforms, NFT, and social networks. On the other hand, Alphabet and Blackrock are showcasing a completely different strategy by making concentrated bets on a smaller set of companies."

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