


USD 1.3B Metaverse Ecosystem has Less Than 1K Active Daily Users

USD 1.3B Metaverse Ecosystem has Less Than 1K Active Daily Users

Metaverse platforms Decentraland and The Sandbox are valued at USD 1.3 billion, but both have less than 1,000 daily active users. There is too much hype around these platforms, but who is using them right now?

Lonely girl in the metaverse ecosystem valued at USD 1.3B, symbolizes less than 1K daily active users

38 Active Users at Decentraland and 522 at The Sandbox 

Data from DappRadar reveals that the Ethereum-based virtual world Decentraland had 38 active users in the past 24 hours, while competitor The Sandbox boasted 522 active users in the same time frame.

According to DappRadar, an active user is defined as a unique address that is interacting with the platform’s smart contract. For example, logging onto The Sandbox or Decentraland to purchase with SAND or MANA, the platform’s respective native utility token is counted as an "active use."

Therefore, DappRadar’s compilation of daily active users does not account for people who log in and wander around a metaverse platform or drop in briefly for an event, such as a virtual fashion week. It also indicates that these spaces are not where people are making transactions such as buying non-fungible tokens (NFT).

A developer may defend the bleak daily user data with the well-worn phrase, "Don't hate the player and hate the game." But it seems there’s been more than one quiet day for the two metaverse platforms. The largest number of daily users ever on Decentraland was 675, and that number was even larger at about 4,503 for The Sandbox, as per data shared by DappRadar.

Sam Hamilton, Creative Director at Decentraland, told CoinDesk that while they report 8,000 users on average per day, this accounts for any individual who passively interacts with the metaverse. He noted that while they saw peak attendees in March, the number of "tourists and spectators" has since cooled down.

Despite low user metrics, Decentraland and The Sandbox have high valuations. According to data from Messari, Decentraland and The Sandbox both have market caps of around USD 1.3 billion each. While the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity has a USD 1.16 billion market cap, the nearly 22,000 daily users reported on DappRadar suggest that open-ended metaverses that do not provide incentives to stay, such as gaming or trading, may not see regular returning users at this point.

Although the metaverse may be enough of a buzzword for companies to rebrand their names around its concept, mass adoption will likely still take a while. Sasha Fleyshman, Portfolio Manager at digital asset investment firm Arca, explains that metaverse platforms will be much more valuable to users when they operate as intended.

Beverage company Snapple’s pop-up bodega in Decentraland last August sparked questions about mainstream use cases for promotional content in the metaverse. In July, skater Tony Hawk announced his virtual skate park paired with an avatar collection in The Sandbox, which aims to bring fans from his USD 1.4 billion "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" video game to a new, more interactive platform. Set to run from October 19 to 23, the turnout of virtual skaters may be larger than the users purchasing Hawk’s NFTs in SAND.

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