


Government of Argentina Forms National Blockchain Committee

Government of Argentina Forms National Blockchain Committee

The government of Argentina has formed a national blockchain committee to implement a state-level blockchain adoption strategy. Argentina has published a document for the digital transformation of the country. The document underlines the importance of blockchain technology and presents several use cases that are likely to benefit the nation in the future.

The national flag of Argentina flies in glory

National Blockchain Committee

Countries all over the world are eager to use blockchain technology to improve public welfare programs. Argentina has recently issued its national guidelines on the blockchain.

The document, presented on Dec. 7, will set up the national blockchain committee that will have the responsibility to "act as an interlocutor in the local blockchain ecosystem, promoting the interoperability of blockchain technologies and a good government."

The committee will be constituted by the Public Innovation Secretariat with other establishments of the state to develop blockchain-based public policies and technology solutions.

Areas of Interest

The government has presented several uses of blockchain technology that could be beneficial to the state. The first area is auditing, given the large size and scope of some governmental structures. Blockchain is proposed as a component that will fulfill two functions. assisting citizens in understanding how the state invests public funds and centralizing public processes through the use of a single structure

The second area is largely citizen identification. The government of Argentina believes that blockchain could be useful in the citizen identification process. It would help avoid fake IDs and other documents issued by the authorities. Establishing a blockchain system would also make it simple for third parties to confirm the validity of government documents.

The blockchain initiatives are visible in selective use cases in Argentina. The city of Buenos Aires is currently implementing a system called Tangoid and expects it to be operational in January as part of the digitization push. The city will also run Ethereum nodes as an experiment to examine the workings of the cryptocurrency and determine its efficacy for regulatory purposes.

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