


Crypto Economy Expands 80,466% since 2013, Despite the 2022 Downturns

Crypto Economy Expands 80,466% since 2013, Despite the 2022 Downturns

The crypto economy has expanded dramatically since 2013, despite the USD 1.5 trillion downturns in 2022. The coinmarketcap.com website recorded 14 cryptocurrency assets on May 9, 2013. There were 11.13 million bitcoin in circulation at the time, and the total valuation of bitcoin was estimated at USD 1.24 billion. Today, the same website shows 22,709 crypto assets. The market capitalization of the crypto economy has grown exponentially by 80,466% since 2013.

Image of top crypto assets in the market today such as bitcoin, litecoin, tether

The Evolution of the Crypto Economy

The crypto economy lost over USD 1.5 trillion in the 2022 downturn since its peak in November 2021. But its market capitalization has expanded by more than 80,466% since 2013. A snapshot of coinmarketcap.com (CMC) hosted on archive.org shows there were 14 listed coins on the website in 2013. These included bitcoin, litecoin, peercoin, namecoin, feathercoin, terracoin, devcoin, freicoin, novocoin, chncoin, bbqcoin, mincoin, bitbar, and ixcoin. Together, the value of the crypto assets was estimated at USD 1.32 billion on May 9, 2013.

Many of those coins have been forgotten, and a great number of the top crypto assets today never existed, such as Ethereum, BNB, Solana, Cardano, Tether, USDC, and Avalanche. Stablecoins that are valued at USD 137 billion in the current market of the USD 1.06 trillion total crypto valuations never existed. On May 9, 2013, BTC was trading for USD 111.87 per coin, with only 11.13 million in circulation in comparison to 19.30 million today.

The total BTC valuation was USD 1.24 billion, and Litecoin (LTC) was the second-largest in market capitalization, estimated at USD 59.05 million, according to the CMC snapshot. LTC’s market cap is much larger today at USD 6.79 billion. Peercoin’s (PPC) market capitalization was USD 5.23 million, and despite being an old-forgotten coin, PPC’s market valuation is estimated at USD 13.15 million today. Coins like Terracoin (TRC) have run out of luck. TRC’s market cap in May 2013 was estimated at USD 1.14 million and since then has declined to USD 340,296. Several coins are forgotten and are no longer listed on the coin market cap aggregation sites like CMC.

The Year of Crypto Downturn

There were a handful of crypto exchanges in 2013. Digital currency wallets were few and far between, and the crypto economy was much smaller than what it is today. 2022 was a challenging year in the crypto sector, and several companies collapsed during the downturn. Despite the collapses and the hundreds of billions that evaporated from the market, it is a significantly larger market than it was in 2013. Besides the internet, not many sectors in the world have seen 80,466% exponential growth in turbulent times.

What is your take on the future of the crypto economy and how it is likely to evolve in the coming years? Please post your comments.

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