


Putin Raises Alarm Over Global Financial Crisis And Hybrid Warfare

Putin Raises Alarm Over Global Financial Crisis And Hybrid Warfare

In a significant address at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, President Vladimir Putin expressed grave concerns over the mounting risks of a global economic and financial crisis. He also lamented Russia's plight as a target of a relentless hybrid war, citing unparalleled anti-Russian sanctions imposed upon the nation.

Russian President Vladimir Putini n a navy blue suit sitting in his office with the Russian flag in the background

Putin on Unprecedented Anti-Russia Sanctions 

President Putin of Russia spoke about various issues and highlighted the relentless hybrid war, citing unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions, at the virtual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Heads of State Council on Tuesday. 

During the virtual summit, which saw the participation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Putin advocated for greater utilization of national currencies in international trade settlements. He stated: 

The SCO ”is strongly committed to creating a truly just and multipolar world order — an order based on international law and common principles of mutually respectful cooperation between sovereign states.” 

He emphasized the SCO's unwavering commitment to establishing a just and multipolar world order based on international law and respectful cooperation among sovereign states. 

Hybrid War and Financial Crisis Threaten Global Stability

Putin highlighted the current state of affairs, the escalating geopolitical discord, the continued degradation of the international security system, and the increasing likelihood of a global economic and financial crisis. He added:

"This is especially important today when geopolitical discord grows bigger, the degradation of the international security system continues, and the risks of a new global economic and financial crisis increase."

The Russian leader drew attention to a multitude of pressing issues, including uncontrolled debt accumulation by developed countries, the pervasive social divide, rising global poverty, and the deteriorating conditions of food and environmental security. He explained:

All of these issues are happening “against the backdrop of an uncontrolled debt accumulation by developed countries, the social divide and growth of poverty all over the world, and the deterioration of food and environmental security.”

Putin cautioned that if these complex challenges are unaddressed, it could significantly elevate the potential for conflicts. He stressed that Russia, itself grappling with these issues, is at the forefront of the battle.

External Forces' Prolonged Endeavor to Transform Ukraine

In a candid revelation, Putin shed light on the external forces' prolonged endeavor to transform Ukraine, their neighbor, into a de facto adversary—a state hostile to Russia. He condemned the continuous supply of weapons to Ukraine, the aggression perpetrated against the peaceful population of Donbas, and the propagation of neo-Nazi ideology. He asserted:

“For a long time, external forces have been implementing a project near our borders to create, from our neighbor, Ukraine, a de facto hostile state, an ‘anti-Russia.’ They funneled weapons into it for eight years, condoned aggression against the peaceful population of Donbas, and indulged in every way in planting neo-Nazi ideology.”

Putin further claimed, “And all this was done to jeopardize Russia’s security and stifle our country’s development,” concluding:

"We are now, in fact, being subjected to a hybrid war, with illegitimate anti-Russian sanctions that are unprecedented in scale."

The Russian president's dire assessment underscored the current state of affairs, where Russia finds itself subjected to an unparalleled hybrid war. 

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