


Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Blockchain Gaming: Sega's Co-COO

Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Blockchain Gaming: Sega's Co-COO 

In a recent candid conversation, Sega's co-Chief Operating Officer, Shuji Utsumi, shared the gaming giant's perspective on blockchain gaming. Utsumi stated that the emerging blockchain gaming sector is similar to navigating uncharted waters, and therefore Sega is all set to safeguard their franchises while venturing into the unknown with Double Jump Tokyo, a pioneering blockchain gaming company.

Image of a blockchain game with the girl in the center of a maze being developed in collaboration with Double Jump Tokyo, the blockchain gaming company

Sega Co-COO Uncovers Their Approach to Blockchain Games

The company's co-COO, Shuji Utsumi, revealed the uncertainty surrounding the blockchain gaming sector. During a recent interview, Utsumi elaborated on Sega's approach to blockchain gaming, with the impending launch of "Sangokushi Taisen," a game licensed by Sega and developed in collaboration with Double Jump Tokyo, a blockchain gaming company and a non-fungible token (NFT) solutions provider.

When asked for his take on blockchain gaming, Utsumi stated: 

"Blockchain gaming is still an unknown world for us, so we want to protect what needs to be protected and take a new look at what needs to be captured in a new way."

This statement is a reiteration of Utsumi's earlier stance, where he found "play-to-earn" games to be "boring" and announced Sega's shift in blockchain strategy. A decision was taken to discontinue in-house projects using the technology and prioritize the safeguarding of the cherished AAA franchises. 

Nevertheless, the company acknowledged that lesser-known franchises, like "Sangokushi Taisen," could be licensed to third parties. This was seen as an "IP that would be embraced by fans in Japan and other Asian regions and could seamlessly integrate with blockchain technology."

Transitional Period for the Blockchain Gaming Industry 

Utsumi underlined the importance of providing blockchain-based content that appeals to users and serves as a gateway to the gaming sector, similar to puzzle games in the mobile gaming industry. He explained:

"Within blockchain games, owning assets and, in some cases, earning money could introduce player wants that have not existed before. In this context, we're truly in a period of transition for the industry."

Utsumi also acknowledged the challenges of blockchain gaming in setting up wallets. He highlighted that games should allow users to set up wallets as they progress through the game, making the experience more accessible.

Despite Sega's cautious approach, the world of blockchain gaming has continued to garner significant interest. The sector received a substantial USD 600 million in investments during Q3, according to Dappradar's Third Quarter Blockchain Gaming report. In 2023, companies have invested an impressive USD 2.3 billion in blockchain gaming projects, as reported by Dappradar.

What is your take on Sega’s stance on blockchain games? Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

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