


Bitcoin Mining Leads in Sustainable Energy Usage

Bitcoin Mining Leads in Sustainable Energy Usage

New data exposes Bitcoin mining as the frontrunner in sustainable energy consumption, surpassing all other industries in its commitment to clean power. Between July 2019 and June 2023, Bitcoin mining experienced the highest surge in sustainable energy usage, as per the latest findings. In an impressive feat, the emission intensity of Bitcoin mining dropped from over 500 g/kWh in July 2021 to 296 g/kWh by June 2023.

Bitcoin mining unit in operation with hundreds of rack-mounted CPU

Leading the Way in Sustainable Energy Mix

Comparing energy consumption across various sectors, the data highlights Bitcoin mining as the foremost user of sustainable energy, accounting for an impressive 52.6% among sub-sectors. Following behind is the banking sector, utilizing clean energy at a rate of 39.2%. Surprisingly, the gold industry, often associated with traditional practices, ranks fourth with a mere 12.8% reliance on sustainable energy.

A Revolutionary Leap Towards Sustainability

The data, sourced from the Bitcoin Energy and Emissions Sustainability Tracker (BEEST) model, unveils Bitcoin mining's exceptional progress in embracing sustainable energy. During the monitored period from July 2019 to June 2023, Bitcoin mining showcased the highest increase in the sustainable energy mix, witnessing a remarkable surge of 38% compared to other global industries.

Challenging Misconceptions

These new findings compiled by climate tech investor Daniel Batten and his team, appear to contradict past studies whose findings seem to challenge previous studies that criticized Bitcoin mining for its perceived disproportionate energy consumption. Contrary to popular belief, the data suggests that the Bitcoin mining industry has taken proactive measures in response to climate change concerns, marking a significant shift in its approach.

A Technology of Profound Significance

Daniel Batten, a climate tech investor, and environmental analyst, recently shared his thoughts on the immense impact and significance of Bitcoin for billions of individuals worldwide. In a tweet, he expressed his transformed perspective, stating,

"I didn't start as a Bitcoin advocate, but I've become one. My conclusion: There's probably never been a more important technology to our chances of mitigating runaway methane emissions, enabling the renewable transition, and giving financial sovereignty to  more than 4 billion people."

Outshining Other Sectors in Emission Reduction

Analyzing emission intensity across industries, the data on the Batcoinz website reveals that Bitcoin mining has made substantial strides in reducing its emission intensity. From over 500 g/kWh in July 2021, Bitcoin mining's emission intensity has impressively decreased to 296 g/kWh by June 2023, representing a decline of over 50%. The banking sector, in comparison, has recorded a modest decline of only 3.3%.

Unveiling the Emission Intensity Rankings

The data highlights the iron and steel industry as the sector with the highest emission intensity throughout the observed period, experiencing a mere 0.5% decrease. Notably, the gold industry closely follows with an emission intensity of 679 g/kWh. Similarly, the agricultural sector exhibits high emission intensity, standing at 646 g/kWh.

Please share your perspective on this groundbreaking story in the comments section below. What are your thoughts on Bitcoin mining's journey toward sustainability and its pivotal role in shaping our future?

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