


DeFi Categories Managing Billions: October 2023 Insights

DeFi Categories Managing Billions: October 2023 Insights

In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), a staggering USD 39.50 billion flows through these innovative platforms as of October 2023. Let's take a closer look at the top five categories, revealing the diverse landscape of DeFi protocols, their numbers, and their remarkable wealth.

Representational image of the DeFi landscape and the blockchains holding Billions in value

Exploring the 5 Defi Categories Holding Billions in Crypto Assets 

The decentralized finance (DeFi) industry aggregator, Defillama.com reveals a wide range of defi protocols, the underlying blockchains, and the held values. It features about 35 unique categories of applications. 

The Reign of Liquid Staking Derivatives: A USD 23.05 Billion Powerhouse

At the forefront of the DeFi universe stands liquid staking derivatives applications, with 119 of them holding USD 23.05 billion. These ingenious tokens are backed by staked assets on blockchain networks, offering users liquidity while their assets remain staked. In essence, they enable you to reap staking rewards without locking away your assets, all by converting them into tradable tokens.

Lending: The Runner-Up with USD 15.14 Billion

Lending takes the second spot in the DeFi realm, with approximately 302 protocols facilitating the lending and borrowing of assets. Together, they hold a substantial USD 15.14 billion in crypto assets as of October 1, 2023. Following closely is the decentralized exchange (DEX) category, securing the third position with a total value locked (TVL) of USD 11.82 billion spread across a staggering 1,026 protocols.

DEX Protocols: Enabling Peer-to-Peer Trading

DEX protocols are platforms that allow users to trade crypto assets directly with one another, bypassing intermediaries and central authorities. In essence, DEXs offer transparent and secure peer-to-peer transactions on the blockchain.

Bridges: Connecting Blockchains with USD 9.17 Billion

Occupying the fourth rank in the DeFi landscape is the bridge category, comprising protocols designed to seamlessly shuttle tokens between diverse blockchain networks. These essential links between diverse blockchain networks currently oversee USD 9.17 billion, distributed across 46 distinct platforms.

CDPs: Pledging Collateral for USD 8.23 Billion

Securing the fifth position in the DeFi hierarchy is the Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) category. CDP DeFi protocols empower users to pledge assets as collateral, granting them the ability to borrow different assets or tokens. These protocols facilitate loans anchored to the value of the pledged collateral, allowing users to access funds while keeping their primary assets secure. There are 105 noteworthy CDP protocols, amassing a combined value of USD 8.23 billion.

Beyond the Top Five: Exploring DeFi Diversity

Beyond the leading categories of liquid staking, lending, DEX platforms, bridges, and CDPs, DeFi offers a rich tapestry of yield-focused, real-world assets (RWAs), and derivative-oriented protocols. Leading this diverse parade, we find Lido Finance reigning supreme in liquid staking, Aave commanding the lending sector, Uniswap dominating the DEX space, WBTC standing tall as the chief bridge, and Makerdao emerging as the titan of the CDP realm.

Share Your Insights

What is your take on these top five DeFi categories, each managing substantial crypto assets? Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

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